Hi guys, Timeline is the last update that facebook made and made it an obligation to all facebook profiles (including facebook pages) th...
How To Use Facemoji Stickers In Facebook Chat
Facebook stickers are a new funny chat emoticons presented by facebook months ago, you can send facebook stickers from your iphone or andr...
5 Ways To Get More Facebook Page Likes
As Facebook is growing and gathering more people everyday, pages on this social network are also growing in an unbelievable way: Facebook ...
Best Website To Download Facebook Videos
Facebook videos are becoming more viewed, shared and well competitive to Youtube, it allows us to share our family, friends, music or any ot...
Funny Facebook Chat Emoticons Codes
Since Facebook added the picture codes in the Chat box, people started making cool larger emoticons with a collection of small pictures adde...
Delete All Facebook Messages [update]
This is one of the things that Facebook doesn't include in the Chat features, it's Delete All Facebook Messages at Once. This trick ...
The New Facebook Smartphone From Htc : Review
With a collaboration from HTC, Facebook have introduced their new unique Smartphone called Facebook Home, people are now waiting the release...
Top 11 Facebook Hacks And Easter Eggs
Facebook is now a popular social network that everyone use to connect with his friends and family. Here I'm presenting a list of Top 11 ...